Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dammit! Is this my next paper...or just another windmill?

I am convinced Apple gets most of their marketing ideas from heroin dealers. They constantly screw with you (and their resellers --notice they don't call them 'dealers') but never so much that you'll say "screw you, I am going to the other side".

Obviously in recent posts, I have been thinking about capitalism as an analogy of Orwell's 1984.

Apple, and it's devotes, have always loved to paint Microsoft (or M$) as "Big Brother". Against this backdrop Apple paints themselves as a technological Winston Smith (and hey if you believe a tacky homemade quilt can be a metaphor for "the secret language of women" I think it's safe to say you'll dance to anything). But I think in reality they may actually be O'brien.

All this makes this once very cool commercial (directed by Ridley Scott, who at the time had just finished Blade Runner) suddenly poignant.

I wonder if the girl's name was Julia.

Oh one last thing. If you like to learn more about the early days of Apple just go to (I shit you not)

and dig their slogan: “History is always written wrong, and so always needs to be rewritten.” -- George Santayana

Indeed the past is truly created in the present.


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